Clean The Ocean

We made two big problems for oceans: Plastic Waste and Global Warming

The plastics helped us a lot during modernization of the world but now it found its way to oceans and eventually our bodies. We have a responsibility to remove waste now and recycle it before we do more damage to the ecosystem.

Impactive enables you to upcycle products, everything you want to return gets rescued for art. We also create an impact by a portion of our profit to the projects that aim to reduce human effect from our planet.

Oceans are the lungs of our earth, they are dynamic and alive. This video from The Economist magazine documents the effects of humans on the most distant part of our oceans.

One way to save the oceans based on this documentary is replanting sea grass which stores carbon X30 faster than rainforests, this is how nature adapted to global-warming in the furthest part of the ocean.

This video from Verge Science shows the scale of the oceans ecosystem, the connectivity of it and how the ice melting can change every part of this dynamic ecosystem.

Lets now understand the molecular events that are happening due to our emissions of CO2. This knowledge is important for saving the ocean and this is why we chose this organization to donate to.

Shop with us and If you feel that you need to do something more to save the oceans you can Have more impact by directly donating to Impactive projects.